One's story revolves around Kouhei Orihara, the main protagonist, who suspects that at some point his current life will change while living a peaceful daily routine. Due to this, he begins to seclude himself in the Eternal World, a world within his mind. The game's main recurring motif is a focus on the Eternal World, a mystical alternate space which is never clearly explained, and the details of which are unknown.
Game Information
Developer: Tactics |
Language: English |
Genres: Slice of Life - Emotionless Heroine - High School - Drama - Student Heroine - High School Student Protagonist - Coodere Heroine - Male Protagonist - Late Sexual Content - Only Virgin Heroines - Blind Heroine - School Life Comedy - Loli Heroine - Mute Heroine - Classic Tsundere Heroine - Kouhai Heroine - Transfer Student Heroine - Missionary Position - Senpai Heroine - Osananajimi Heroine - Existential Crisis - Ponytail Heroine - Modern Day Japan - Short Sexual Scenes - Teasing - Disabled Heroine - Twin Tail Heroine - Low Sexual Content - Reunion - Pretending Heroine - Blowjob - Bullying - The Holiday Season - Only Avoidable Rape Scenes - Drama Club - Childhood Promise - Donkan Protagonist - Mystery - Attempted Rape - Sexual Content - Foolish Friend |
OS: windwos |