The world is threatened by monsters sent by the Demon Lord. To counter him, the Dragons, deities residing in another dimension, empower champions known as "Dracolis". In a small, unremarkable village, Imos lives with his sister Tori, helping her run a potions shop. Along with his sister, he spends his days with his childhood friend (and Dracovalis) Lotia, the gentle nun Crimina, and the tomboyish princess Aina. However, everything changes when all the Dracovalis, including Lotia, are given orders to hunt down the Demon Lord.
Game Information
Developer: U-ROOM / Kagura Games |
Language: English |
Genres: 2D game, 2DCG, Male protagonist, Fantasy, Multiple endings, Adventure, Rape, Gangbang, Handjob, Japanese game, Monster, RPG, Turn based combat, Big tits, NTR(Netorare), Pregnancy, Tentacles |
OS: Windows |