
The story begins with Mutsura Yuuto accompanying his friend on vacation to Aqua Eden, an artificial island city where gambling and the sex industry are legal. However, his vacation plans are ruined after he becomes involved in a kidnapping; to make matters worse, he ends up turning into a vampire. As a vampire, he can no longer leave Aqua Eden; So with nowhere else to go, he decides to enroll in a special school for vampires on the island - and so begins his new nightlife!

Game Information

Developer: Yuzusoft
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Fictional Modern Day Japanese Island, Defloration, Male Protagonist, Branching Plot, Comedy, ADV, Super Deformed CG's, Vampire Protagonist, Ejaculation Choice, Multiple Endings, Interracial Romance, Episodic Story, Long Sexual Scenes, Urban Fantasy, Unique Routes, Unarmed Combat, Side Images, Magic, Teasing, Protagonist With a Face, Few Choices, Pistol Combat, Detective Work, Drug Use, Sexual Content, Blowjob, Female Ejaculation, Fingering, Sitting, Missionary Position, Boobjob, Cunnilingus, Doggy, Homosexual Support Character, Sixty-nine, Footjob, Masturbation, Lolicon, Anal Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Urination Fetish
OS: Windows

Download Link


Game Installation

0- no need to install 1- Extract to desired location.

2- Right Click on "dracuriot.exe" Run as Japanese Locale as Admin to start playing. IMPORTANT For Windows 8/10 ‘Win8WOH.zip" - Recommend you use both my files!!! MEGA INFO: Windows8 64bitで魔法使いの夜をプレイ « 他人の空似 Top of page for info - Common problem with Windows 8 and 10 64 bit systems. Just allows your system to use Win32 instead of WOW64 - Handy to have - works on most older games - Just paste into "*.exe" directory.

Game Images