Ikusabe Takamaru is a student at Ten Treasures Academy living a normal high school life, looking for romance that Shihudo Narika (his apartment manager's daughter) constantly interferes with. One day, he fell in love at first sight with a transfer student named Takamori Haruka. That same night, Takamaru and Narika were chased by a group of mysterious ninja. Just as they thought all hope was lost, Haruka appeared dressed as a kunoichi. Haruka called Takamaru "young boss" and asked him to do something towards her. This gave her superhuman strength, which allowed her to defeat the mysterious ninja.
Game Information
Developer: MangaGamer |
Language: English |
Genres: Unavoidable Rape - Corruption of Characters - Energy Transfer via Sex - Monsters - High Sexual Content - Sexual Slavery - Group Sex - Boobjob - Sex Involving Drugs - Masturbation - Anal Sex - Male Protagonist - Bukkake - Tentacle Rape - Gang Rape - Lactation During Sex - Bondage - Blowjob - Handjob - Tickle Torture - Pregnant Sex - Exhibitionism - Monster Rape - Sex Involving Hypnosis - Sexual Blindfold - Mind Control - Penis Growth - Food Play - Urination Fetish - Erotic Spanking - Yuri - Reverse Rape - Bestiality - Female Domination - Breast Expansion - Sex in Public Places |
OS: PC / Windows |